Thursday, 4 July 2013

Of Feminism.

Let me start with a couple of definitions:

-Definition of feminism:noun
[mass noun]the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.
the belief that women should be allowed the same rightspower, and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activitie sintended to achieve this state:
-Definition of equality:noun
 [mass noun] the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities. situation in which men and women, people of different races, religions, etc. are all treated fairly and have the same opportunities

Lately I have read and heard a lot about Feminism. I have been astonished by the amount of people who have no idea what Feminism is all about. That is why I started this post with these definitions. Feminism is about Equality. It is not about having women above men. It is about having women and men on the same level. It is about individuals being provided with the same opportunities regardless of their gender. It is about our little girls never being made to feel like they are worth less than our little boys. It is about our little boys knowing it is normal to feel like becoming a stay at home dad when they grow up and they should not deny themselves the opportunity if it would make them happy.

Because when we restrain men and women to traditionalist gender roles and we destroy individuals. We restrain some women who are not good nurturers from being happy, we keep men who are great with children from being happy, and we keep some children from being raised by happy parents. Some people are happy with the traditional man at work and woman at home but it is not for everyone and it is not anyone's place to force their own idea of happiness on others. 
I have heard my whole life about how men are to do certain things and women others. I have heard the jokes about short feet being better for washing the dishes and the stories about women being delicate flowers and that giving them certain responsibilities would be demeaning as they are too good for that (or too hormonal and emotional to handle more than child bearing and rearing with a side of husband caring).

Men and women are equal. Sadly they are simply not recognised as such nor provided with equal opportunities. Anything a man can do, so can a woman and the reverse is true (except granted child bearing and labour but then, creating a child requires both men and women so there we find equality again and the power of life giving being shared equally by both male and female). Feminism is simply all about working toward equality. 

So here it is. My daughter is as good as any other child. And I never want her to ever be put in a position where she will be made to feel like less important than a boy, no matter how much sugar coated this position is. I want her to be able to achieve anything she wants. If she wants to become a doctor, a flight attendant, a diplomat, a state president or prime minister...(and sadly I cannot add here a religious position because my religion does NOT offer equal opportunities to men and women yet and that shakes me to the core, and if she were to decide to go looking somewhere else I would understand).

The day there is equality between women and men there will be no more need for feminism. But until then, I will call myself a feminist and I will raise my daughter as such. Because Feminism isn't about superiority but equality. Real equality, not just in words but in action and opportunities provided regardless of your gender. I pray with all my heart that I will see it and that my daughter will not have to fight for it. I know Equality is a good and honourable and virtuous thing to strife for.

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